

First Certified Safe Marine Area in the USA!
07 Mar 2019

First Certified Safe Marine Area in the USA!

WhiteFlag International and Ocean Alliance Conservation Member (OACM) group are proud to announce the currently undergoing process of proclaiming the first Certified Safe Marine Area (CSMA) in the United States of America! The marine area that has been chosen for a certification is the marine area surrounding Ellis Island - where the famous Statue of Liberty is situated - and this example of concrete measure towards ocean preservation, cleaning and protection will be presented during the first edition of the Plastic Ocean Summit in March 2020. Follow our webpage to keep updated on more details regarding this certification!

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We are delighted to have Your contribution and presence at the first edition of the Plastic Ocean Summit where Your organization can present sustainable projects that can make a contribution or can be implemented by OACM globally to protect, preserve and clean our oceans, lakes and rivers. Kindly fill in the registration form or send us an e-mail directly, including the details of participants on behalf of Your organization at the Summit.

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